Hilltown & COVID-19

Remember Hilltown, God reigns. He is on his throne and does as He pleases (Ps 115:3). So, none of this is out of fear. We make these plans resting in “the peace of God that surpasses all understanding” (Phil 4:7). Let’s be a radically calm community that displays faith in an absolutely trustworthy God!
  • Are we meeting for services on Sundays?

    Yes. We are offering two indoor services -- 9am (masks required) and 10:30am (masks optional) in the sanctuary. The live stream will continue to be available during the 10:30am service. 

  • What about other ministries? Will they continue to meet?

    Our ministries are meeting regularly, except for Young at Heart and our Sunday discipleship courses. To recieve updates, visit

  • Where do I get updates?

    Keep coming back to this page: If anything changes, we’ll email the church and then post it here. You’ll also find information for watching our live stream and giving on this page. Just scroll up.

  • Is the office open?

    Yes. We are working to ensure the church stays connected, cared for, and thriving during this unusual season. Please reach out if you need to reach one of us at

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