At some point you'll be hosted. Here are 10 ways to be a joy to those who host you.
We set out to make 2020 “a year of hospitality”, and I’m inspired by how you’re creatively and joyfully this living out. Here are three recent examples I’ve heard...
10 Ways to Be a Rockstar Guest When Hosted
When we think “hospitality”, we think of us doing the hosting. But the other less obvious side of being a hospitable church is the fact that at some point we’ll be hosted. Here are some tips on how to be a joy to those who host you.
Before you arrive...
1. Accept grace graciously
Being a good guest begins before you get there. RSVP in a grateful and timely manner.
2. Offer to contribute
Asking “What can I bring?” let’s your host/ess know their hospitality isn’t taken for granted. It gives them a chance to accept your help or to free you to come with no expectations. Hey, Elijah provided bottomless bread sticks ( 1 Kings 17
), and Jesus provided wine ( John 2
). We can at least bring a salad or dessert!
After you arrive…
3. Ask about “house rules”
“Is it ok if my kids eat your brownies melty ice cream near that beautiful grand piano? ...or over that white carpet?” “Are you ok with them walking on your couch?” If you’re a parent, don’t expect your hosts to parent for you! Be perceptive and parent with joy.
4. Talk to their kids (like, really talk to them)
If your host/s have kids, it will mean a lot that you’re genuinely interested in them as well. Just like love for our Father is shown by love for His kids ( John 13:35
), you can’t really know and love me if you don’t know and love my kids.
5. Stay off your phone
Better yet: leave it in your car. If you absolutely need to be reachable, ask your host where you can put it, then turn the ringer on and leave it there face down.
6. Serve
Pick up a towel. Pick up a toy. Like our Lord did for His disciples, be willing to roll up your sleeves and get dirty in order to serve ( John 13
). As my papa always said, “We leave it better than we found it.”
7. Be open to new things
New games. New movies. New foods. Learn to look for the best in them all. And don’t be that picky eater. As my mama always said, “You don’t have to like it to eat it!” (Remind me to tell you about the time I was the guest of honor in a middle-Eastern culture and ate sheep intestines. ...actually don’t remind me. But I did it! And my hosts were honored.)
8. Leave them wanting more
Don’t wear out your welcome! Feel it out. When the time is getting close, put out a feeler like "Hey, I should get going", and see how they respond. I love how Proverbs says it: “Let your foot be seldom in your neighbor's house, lest he have his fill of you…” ( Prov 25:17
9. Bless the hosts and their house before you leave
This is a wonderfully rich and biblical practice. Before you go, simply say, “Hey, let me pray for you…”, and then thank the Lord for your host/s and ask his blessing on their home.
10. Follow up with a thank you note
The best way to respond to grace is with gratitude. About a day later, send a note (handwritten is the best, but not always necessary) to simply say thank you. You can even recap some of your favorite moments or memories while you’re at it.
Hosted for all eternity
Here's a cool thought: We're going to be hosted for all of eternity. One of the images Scripture leaves us with in it's closing pages is that of a magnificent supper where we are the guests. May we bring joy to our hosts today in a way that brings glory to our Host of Heaven.
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Grace and peace.
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